Liesbet Vandenplas

Liesbet practises employment and social security law, with a focus on strategic legal HR advice and representation in settlements and litigation. She has special expertise in restructurings, (supplementary) pensions and international labour mobility.
She advocates a practical and pragmatic approach to problem-solving, underpinned by a clear, timely analysis of all the relevant legal issues taking into account the relevant HRM aspects.
She has been partner at Eubelius since 2022 and a member of the Brussels Bar since 2002.
Liesbet holds a law degree (KU Leuven, 2001), a DESS in Social Policy (University of Rouen (France), 2002), a Certificate in Pension Law (KU Leuven, 2013) and a Certificate in Strategic HRM (Vlerick Business School, 2017).
She has inhouse HR experience, including case management and reward of executives, managers and expatriates, design and implementation of a new function classification and reward model, etc.
She is a member of the “Vereniging voor Sociaal Recht”, the EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association) and board member of NeHRa (Network for Women active in HR). She is a freelance scientific associate at the Institute for Employment Law of the KU Leuven.
Liesbet has been recognised in Chambers, Legal 500, Leaders League and the International Employment Lawyer Elite.
"Liesbet Vandenplas is very hands-on, immediately understands issues and comes up with solutions."
"She is a customer-focused and highly skilled lawyer." (Chambers 2023)
“Liesbet Vandenplas is a high-quality lawyer: she offers high availability to customers, and pragmatic and usable advice.” (Legal 500 2023)
Liesbet regularly speaks at conferences and publishes mainly in the field of HR related legal topics.
She handles matters in Dutch, French and English.