
Our multidisciplinary team of leading attorneys with a background in pension and social security law and corporate & insurance regulation covers all issues that arise in the area of pensions and benefits.

The Pensions team advises and represents a broad range of clients such as private sector employers, public authorities, not-for-profit organisations, pension funds and insurance companies, as well as private individuals and groups of individuals.

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Your contacts in Pensions


Inger De Wilde

Of Counsel

Sam De Voogt

Senior Attorney

We have extensive experience with the Belgian supervisory authority (the Financial Services and Markets Authority – FSMA), both as a result of frequently representing clients before the FSMA (both formal and informal contacts) and based on in-depth familiarity with the functioning of the Authority.

Eubelius is an active member of PensioPlus. Members of our Pensions team are members of the Belgian Pension Lawyers Association and regular speakers at conferences and seminars, and also deliver training sessions.

Some of our references

  • Advice regarding the transfer and harmonisation of occupational pension plans following mergers and acquisitions and other reorganisations of companies.
  • Due diligence regarding the occupational pension schemes of companies in various business sectors.
  • Advice to private and public sector employers regarding discrimination issues related to occupational pension schemes.
  • Representation of employers in court regarding alleged discrimination in occupational pensions.
  • Representation before the Constitutional Court, the Council of State and civil courts in cases concerning federal pension legislation (legal and occupational pensions).
  • Assisting pension funds in complying with IORP II (updating articles of association and governance policies). 
  • Advice on the composition and functioning of the board of directors, shareholders’ meeting and corporate governance of pension funds.
  • Advice on establishing a second pension pillar in the public sector.
  • Representation in court regarding State liability related to the insolvency of a group insurance company.
  • Drafting and adapting of pension plan rules for employers in the public and private sectors.
  • Adapting the statutes of a pension fund for supplementary pensions in the private and public sectors.
  • Advice regarding the transfer of the pension liabilities of an insurer to a pension fund.
  • Drafting of the road map for setting up a multi-employer public sector pension plan and public sector pension fund.