Laura Deschuyteneer

Laura is part of the digital and commercial team at Eubelius and focuses on dispute resolution, litigation and ICT law in various sectors.
She became a member of the Brussels Bar in 2021 and joined Eubelius the same year.
Laura studied law at Universiteit Gent (2013). She obtained an LL.M. in European Law at the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) in 2014.
Before she joined Eubelius in 2021, Laura was an academic assistant and PhD researcher at the Institute for Private International Law at Universiteit Gent. She obtained the degree of Doctor of Law in 2021 with her doctoral dissertation on the influence of EU private international law on the exception of public policy. In 2021 she was also a university lecturer at Maastricht University. She is currently still affiliated with the Institute for Private International Law.
Laura is the author of several publications in private international law, European procedural law and nationality law and speaks at conferences and seminars.
She handles cases in Dutch, English, French and Italian.