Eubelius Seminar on Data Protection

24 March 2017

The clock is ticking. By 25 May 2018, companies and organisations must comply with the new EU rules on data protection (General Data Protection Regulation).

Last week Eubelius hosted a seminar about how to prepare for the GDPR. Pieter Callens (Eubelius) chaired the data protection panel of three speakers.

Anneleen Dammekens, adviser at the Federation of Belgian Enterprises (VBO/FEB), gave an overview of the most important GDPR concepts. It was clear from her presentation that accountability is the GDPR mantra.

Guido Lobrano of BusinessEurope explained some of the pitfalls and blind spots in the current interpretation by the Article 29 Working Party of certain rules (e.g. regarding data portability and the data protection officer).

Anneleen Van de Meulebroucke (Eubelius) concluded the afternoon with a presentation of the Eubelius approach to GDPR compliance. She explained the different phases of an implementation exercise and stressed the importance of documentation.

For more information: 
Pieter Callens:, T: +32 2 543 31 79
Anneleen Van de Meulebroucke:, T: +32 2 543 32 07
Catherine Van de Heyning:, T: + 32 2 543 35 12